
Running Your Hugo Blog on Azure WebApp With Mime-types Json and Manifest

When you run your Hugo blog with Azure Webapp on Windows, the mime-type .json and .webmanifest are not configured by default. So will explain in this blog how you can add them to your Azure Webapp running on Windows

Azure Cost and CSP (Cloud Solution Partners) Subscriptions working

For this functionality I was waiting already for over a year and also many other people with me and Last week they announced it was GA. The only thing your CSP has to do is change your agreement to the new Microsoft Customer agreement.

Hosting your dns zones in Azure

My story why i moved my dns zones to Azure I had my dns zones hosted at GoDaddy and then at a given moment i was thinking why not host them in Azure.

Azure - Cost control with budgets

In this blog I will show how to configure budgets in Azure Cost Management + Billing When I was looking at the cost center last day I see that there was changed something.

Administrative Templates as Preview in Azure Intune

Administrative Templates Today see that there is a new Preview option in Azure Intune. In the Device Profile, you can configure a new type namely Administrative Templates. Here some examples what you can configure with settings